A Conservative Solution to Energy

Supporting a Conservative Solution to Energy.


The Problem: The Biden administration and radical environmentalists want to make our power more expensive and less reliable. They’re already making energy less accessible by blocking pipelines like Keystone XL. And their radical Green New Deal’s carbon taxes and regulations on fossil fuels will hurt American families and kill American jobs.

The Solution: Conservatives should act now – before it’s too late – and pass common sense, state level energy policies that protect Americans from the Green New Deal and keep our power affordable and reliable for decades to come. It’s time to adopt all-of-the-above energy strategies that make the transition to clean energy – nuclear, natural gas, and renewables – affordable and stay a step ahead of the radicals in Washington.


Examining Policies that Preserve Coal in the Generation Mix

As one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions, the power sector has long been the subject of policymaking. Utilities, however, typically develop generation resources in response to market conditions rather than to policies that set a preference for a specific type of energy resource (solar, e.g.).


America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

The recent arctic blast that left millions without power should be a wake-up call to all Americans and policymakers in Washington. Republicans have an “all of the above” energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence, embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy, and doesn’t allow Washington to pick winners and losers through massive subsidies…


Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack Follows Years of Warnings

WASHINGTON: The cyberattack that shut down the major East Coast pipeline for gas and other fuels comes after years of repeated warnings to industry — some as recent as the past two weeks.


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